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The first step involves identifying the basic requirements of the product especially in terms of user interface. The intricate details such as the internal design and performance of the product are not the focus at this stage.
The second step involves the development of the initial prototype. At this stage, not only the basic requirements of the product are showcased but the user interfaces are also provided. In the actual software developed, these features may not work in the exact same manner internally. The workarounds are used for giving the same look and feel to the customer.
Third step is the prototype review in which it is developed and presented to the customer. Even the important stakeholders in the projects are shown the prototype. The feedback from each party is collected in an organized manner. This feedback becomes useful for further enhancements in the project while it is being developed.
The fourth and last step is the revision and enhancement of the prototype. The feedback and reviews from customers and stakeholders are reviewed and discussed. Some negotiations with the customers is also done on factors like technical feasibility, time and budget constraints and so on. The changes are then incorporated in the new prototype and this cycle is repeated until the requirements of the customers are not met.
There can be vertical as well as horizontal dimensions in software prototypes. In a vertical dimension, one can get a detailed elaboration of a certain function or sub system in the product whereas in a horizontal dimension of the prototype, the user interface for the product is displayed, giving a broader view of the entire system. With the help of horizontal prototype, one can get more information on the user interface level along with the business requirements. Through vertical prototype, details of the exact functioning of the sub systems can be obtained. Types of software prototyping There are mainly three types of software prototypes: rapid or throwaway prototyping, evolutionary prototyping, extreme prototyping and incremental prototyping. Software prototyping has various benefits. For instance, it helps in increased user involvement in the product even before it is implemented. Since defects can be detected at an early stage, one can save time and money. Be it prototyping or bespoke software development , make sure you choose a reputed agency.