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Non-technical testers on a Scrum team
Following Scrum framework you need to add anyone who is involved in project development & delivery and lets call it the scrum team instead of development team. Scrum calls for a multi-disciplinary team which works together having open communication channels between each team member. Some Scrum followers would suggest a small team (preferably limited to 8 or 10) but a 12 member team can work too even though it would cause many communication channels but the alternatives you have mentioned will take you to ScrumBut. You do not want someone who is responsible for task delegation in a scrum team as Scrum suggests a self-organizing team. Regarding the four testers, they need to be part of the planning meetings as it will give them the required 'big picture' of the project as wells as clear idea of sprint objectives so that they can create or execute appropriate test cases. Having them part of the team would help in minimizing the 'pass the blame' game. Moving forward, team could set a goal to raise skill level of each team member so that they can provide more value in the long-term.In a scrum team everyone is an equal partner there are no lesser roles or less important team members
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When you buy a printer are the cartridges in the box full with ink or are they testers?
most are new. sometimes printers do not come with cartridges. do not let the guy at office max sell you displays!
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Why are testers paid less than developers? I started my career as a Java programmer and switched to automation testing. When I receive calls for a position, they say because itu2019s a testing position we can't offer more than 70 - 80$ per hour.
As a python specialist, I switched several times between development and test automation in my first job, but when I decided to look for other opportunities I was surprised that some recruiters think they can offer a lower salary to testers even when the job requires programming skills, OS and hardware knowledge...I wrote a medium article about this experience and I would love to have some feedback and discuss some points, especially with people that think that testing is much easier than developmentIf you think testers should be paid less than coders, you know nothing about software or football
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Seasoned SAT testers, lend me your wisdom!?
The best preparation I've learned is to eat an excellent breakfast and bring water and a LOT of snacks to eat during the breaks. Make sure you get a great night sleep as you will be testing for 5 hours straight. Tricks: When you do not know the answer to the question at all, just omit it. If you can eliminate the answers to two, take the 50% 50% risk. For the Mathematics section, do the ones that are easiest first. There are always about 2 questions that are really complicated and will take a long time to figure out. Leave those for the end -- most people do not have enough time to answer those anyway. For the reading section, either fast read or skim through the long readings quickly. Answer the questions that say "referring to line 9", for example, first. For the writing section/ essay: Look up and understand the rubric. Think of 10 excellent vocabulary words ahead of time that you can use for your essay because a category for the rubric is that you should have rich vocabulary. It's best to write your essay on something academic and using popular book references, such as George Orwell's 1984 for example. Do a quick review of books on sparknotes if needed to refresh your memory so you can make quick connections tomorrow instead of spending too much time brainstorming. By the way, you can take the SAT one last time in December, but you just have to rush your grades, which will cost a little more to send them. Good luck!!
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I invented the best steak sauce ever, how can I make money with it? 35 of 37 testers rated it 10 out of 10?
Bottle it, Package it and hit it the B-B-Q competition circuit, one way of marketing your product!