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Tap water depends on where - not all places are equal. Plastic bottles really are a major pollution issue but judge your tap water first. Are there floaters in it ? If yours is OK, use it . . . If not, buy the gallon bottles of spring water that has been ozone treated. Beyond that do not over stress about it .
1. I have a question about recycling plastic bottles?
Unfortunately the bottles can only live for 9 days without their lids
Quite a few people have mention this but try using plastic bottles. I made a dragon fly out of fizzy water bottles and it was quite easy. All you need is bottles, scissors and glue. Oh, and your imagonation!.
3. Environmental, moral and social sues of using plastics?
Impacting the Environment One of the positive characteristics of plastic is the fact that it is durable. Unfortunately, this is not a positive characteristic when it comes to the environment. The fact that plastic is durable means it degrades slowly. In addition, burning plastic can sometimes result in toxic fumes. Aside from trying to get rid of plastic, creating it can be costly to the environment as well. It takes large amounts of chemical pollutants to create plastic, as well as significant amounts of fossil fuels. On the other hand, some argue that plastic helps the environment is several ways, as well. After all, plastic has been used to make cars lighter. As a result, less oil is used to mobilize the cars and less CO2 is emitted. In addition, plastic containers provide safe ways for disposing of toxic waste products. Recycling Plastic Plastic recycling became somewhat commonplace in the 1990s. Thermoplastics were melted and used again and thermoset plastics were ground up and used for filler. Unfortunately, the purity of these plastics was compromised each time it was reused. To assist in the plastic recycling program, the Plastic Bottle Institute of the Society of Plastics Industry created a method for marking plastic bottles in order to determine what type of plastic it is made of. :)
4. What are recycled plastics used for?
plastic bottles can be made into fleeces
5. PLEASE HELP!!!!! Which will fly further????
Umm, bottle rockets are not made out of bottles. Bottle rockets are named as such because they are traditionally launched from a bottle. The first link below is about bottle rockets. Ok, well I guess people make rockets out of plastic bottles filled with water and compressed air and call them "bottle" rockets, too. In that case, bigger bottles will fly higher, but there are lots of other factors. The second link below is a page describing some of the other factors.
6. What do you think about using plastic bottles for newborn babies?
Consider breastfeeding. It's BPA free
7. Who makes a fresh feed everytime?
If your breast feeding fresh feed every time is ridiculous. As the babies intake increases there would come a point that you would not be able to keep up. If you formula feed then you could fresh feed but, formula is very expensive and you are discarding the leftovers so you run through it faster than if you just put the remain formula up for later. Like you I refrigerated bottles for three of my boy and never had a bit of trouble due to it. As a matter of fact my nurse and doctor sent me home with a booklet after delivering my first son instructing me that any formula left over or pre made should not be kept in the frig for more than 24 hours. Also if refrigerating was harmful then why do they sell liquid formula in those big cans? There's no way a baby could eat that much and you would be tossing out the other 6 to 12 ounces after 1 bottle. They also have a breast milk bank for mom who can not breast feed there babies but still want the benefits of breast milk for their baby. They freeze it, and ship it to you. Based on the above statements it seems silly that you friends think it can be harmful. You do need to be careful about using plastic bottles and microwaving them. Some experts claim that the plastic has some sort of chemical that mixes in with you babies formula. This never bother my kids or anyone else's that I know, but you may ask your doctor during your babies next well baby checkup. If what they say is true then buy glass bottles they do still sell them.