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How Does a Door Sensor Work?
While there are several different types and styles of door alarm sensors, most use a reed switch and a magnet to determine when a door is open or closed. Reed switches are used in countless devices, from doorbells to laptops, and rely on a set of electrical connectors. The switch is closed when the two parts are sitting close to one another, and an electric current can flow. When the switch opens, the two parts separate, causing the electrical current to stop and the circuit to deactivate. When you add a door sensor into your home security system, the device will come with both pieces: a reed switch and a magnet. One piece attaches on the door frame, and the other attaches parallel to the first piece on the door itself. The two parts create a closed circuit when the door is shut. As the door opens, the magnet and switch separate, breaking the circuit. When the circuit breaks, the sensor signals the central control panel.
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How to Make Your Dog Door Part of Your Home Decor
Installing a dog door is a great way to allow your dog to let itself out to play or go to the bathroom. Pet doors can even be installed on interior doors. Perhaps your dog has its own personal area in the garage or you want him or her to have easy access to certain rooms. In these cases, installing a dog door will make it easy for your dog to get from room to room, without requiring you to constantly open and close doors..The problem is that dog doors can be unsightly. A dog door is usually nothing more than a very simple, rectangular door large enough for your dog to get through. If you've taken great care to decorate your home, you probably do not want a few unsightly pet doors scattered throughout the house..The good news that there are a few ways to customize your pet doors. The best way is to purchase or design a door frame that goes with the decor of your home. There are a variety of manufacturers that design fancy dog doors for pet owners. Dog doors are available in a variety of shapes, colors, and designs. Some fancy dog doors even include fancy molding around the door frame. These doors are much more attractive that the average rectangular pet door..If you would prefer to make your own door, there are a few ways to dress up the design. One option is to paint the door to match the room it's in. If you would like to get really creative, you can even purchase stencils and paint a design on the door. This will help make the door look like a piece of decor, rather than just a functional addition to the room..For a more sophisticated look, pet owners can purchase wood molding and install it around the door frame. This is easy to do and will quickly dress up the design. When installing a dog door, pet owners do not want to just think about function. Instead, they should aim to make the door part of their home's overall decor.
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What words do have to spell when said around your dog?
It is not so bad now but around my border collie Rex you would have to spell bath when it was time for him to get one. He used to be so bad. He would put his paws on the door frame so you could not bring him in the bath room. He would not go in the bath room for anything. We would try throwing a toy in there but after the first time of that happening and the door getting shut behind him he learned fast. He has gotten better now. We tend to give him baths outside and it is easier to trick him into it. The thing was once he got into the tub he was perfect angel, he would not more or try to get out until you were done. You could even leave the bathroom and come back and he would still be in the tub. He had a defeated look on his face which made you feel sad