The perfect choice of one-stop service for diversification of architecture.
Do YOU have a dream?
to become a plastic surgeon and make money of rich hags
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How can I get a square face?
Try squeezing it in to place. just kidding .see a plastic surgeon
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Plastic Surgery Question??
that's unusual, yet original i like your question maybe you should make a phone call to a plastic surgeon in your home town check the phone book or the internet i bet they could answer your question after all, they are the experts
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Should I write a letter to my plastic surgeon who allmost ruined my life?
Rather than write a letter, I think the idea of seeing a lawyer is much better. There should also be some sort of a doctors' registration board, or government agency that looks at complaints against doctors where you are. Again, a lawyer will know about them. It's not unusual for doctors to swap bits around during surgery, veins & arteries (usually taken from the leg), bone (often from the hip), bits of skin (from where-ever) and so on. However, they should not be leaving dirty big scars where the borrowed bits came from. This does suggest the guy was less than competent. How did you end up getting free surgery? Was it through a charity, did you win a contest, or??? Whoever arranged the surgery may also have had a legal obligation to ensure that the surgeon was competent. A lot of the time, when you buy products, the guarantee will say that it is limited - but that local law may over-ride it. Even if something does not mention the fact that applicable laws override the rights the manufacturer or, in your case, the service provider, gives you, the fact is that applicable local law does override the contract or the guarantee. So do not assume that you surrendered your rights. Chances are, you are not the only unhappy patient this guy has. There may even be grounds for a class action if there are a lot of unhappy patients out there. If, as one of the other answers has suggested, the guy is not qualified, or not qualified to perform the surgery he carried out on you, then there may be grounds for a criminal prosecution, as well as civil action. In your case, the civil action would be to get compensation for pain and suffering, and for loss of income that occurred as a result of his botched surgery. Do not feel bad about pursuing this. You have a right to have had the surgery carried out competently. Both the surgeon and whoever organised the surgery will have had liability insurance. So you are not going to be sending some innocent person broke. You may even be saving others from the same fate as you. Good luck.
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Hi, I'm 15, 5'3", 114 pounds with 32DDD/F (us) breasts and I need advice?
i am 18 and wear a 44ddd I had back pain amd did physical therepy for a week. It didnt help so they referred me to a plastic surgeon . Just consult a doctor they will help. I found some supportive bras that reduced the back pain so I didnt have to do the surgery.hope this helped:)
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Software to play virtual plastic surgeon?
This type of software isnt for free, it is very expensive. I will tell you what, you may go to any plastic surgeon for a consultation which would probably cost 200. Then you may have your pictures taken there and they will morph your face into your desired result, or the result which is possible and most fit for your features.
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I'm looking for the name of a good plastic surgeon in Thailand?
Yanhee is the most famous.Everything from noses to sex changes. They also publish their prices which is useful. I know several people who have used them and those that survived had no complaints.
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What should i major in to become a successful plastic surgeon. I'm going to apply to stanford.?
Biology and chemistry are really important classes to take just to understand the basics of the medical field that you will need for med school. A good major in college could be pre-med if Stanford offers that program, or biology, chemistry, or biochemistry. Good luck!