By CRAIG KELLOGGJAN. 1, 2004''Everything is very complicated,'' said Massimiliano Fuksas, an architect with studios in Rome, Paris and Vienna. ''I wanted to do something smaller and very clear.'' With his wife and partner, Doriana, he has created the brushed-chrome door lever with three holes, below, for Valli & Valli, an Italian company. It is intended for a Ferrari research facility the couple are designing near Bologna. A set of two handles and a connector are $291 at Simon's Hardware and Bath, 421 Third Avenue (29th Street), (212) 532-9220. CRAIG KELLOGGWe are continually improving the quality of our text archives. Please send feedback, error reports, and suggestions to .A version of this article appears in print on January 1, 2004, on Page F00003 of the National edition with the headline: CURRENTS: HARDWARE; A Knobless Solution. Order Reprints| Today's Paper|Subscribe
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