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Using Wildcard in 'ls' Command to Find Files Containing Uppercase Letters Only

(like FOO, T, ; unlike FOO.BAR, ETE (where that is written as E followed by a U0301 combining acute accent))With ksh or zsh -o kshglob -o nobareglobqual or bash -O extglob:With zsh -o extendedglob (which you'd rather use than kshglob):Or with GNU ls (assuming file names only contain valid characters):Or with find instead of ls (which here just outputs its arguments, I'd expect you'd want to use options like -l for it to be useful):(the -name '*' is to filter out the filenames that contain invalid characters, which the next ! -name would not be able to filter out (with some find implementations at least))(but still allow non-letters like in ABC.TXT), with ksh:With bash -O dotglob -O extglob or zsh -o kshglob -o dotglob -o nobareglobqual:Or zsh -o extendedglob:Or with GNU ls (assuming file names only contain valid characters):(the fact that the extra --ignore'.*:lower:*' is needed seems like a bug to me)With find:(with some find implementations, does not include filenames with invalid characters even if none of the valid characters are lower case ones).

(like Foo.

bar, .


txt, unlike 123.

6, foo.

bar)With zsh -o dotglob or bash -O dotglob (the dotglob being to include files whose name starts with .):With find:(with some find implementations, does not include filenames with invalid characters even if some of the valid characters are uppercase ones) To allow combining characters, with zsh -o pcrematch, you could use a perl-like regular expression making use of Unicode character properties:

So I've been playing around with filesystem and wondered about listing the files in /etc that contains only upper-case letters in their names. I commanded

ls *[A-Z]*

But the console shows the files containing lower chars too.

I want to use only ls command. Is the console program locale dependent?

What is the underlying cause?


So I've been playing around with filesystem and wondered about listing the files in /etc that contains only upper-case letters in their names. I commanded

ls *[A-Z]*

But the console shows the files containing lower chars too.

I want to use only ls command. Is the console program locale dependent?

What is the underlying cause?

Using Wildcard in 'ls' Command to Find Files Containing Uppercase Letters Only 1

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