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Serving Half a Million Images with Redundancy

Might I suggest going over to Amazon S3 for image hosting? Depending on your bandwidth, the storage and hosting is cheap and I would think much more reliable and cost efficient than having your own redundant SAN and distribution system. There are many success stories.I know you say the OS must be Windows based, but not sure of your requirements, as the interface to S3 is in Windows

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Create multiple vector layers by reading a GeoJSON file once in OpenLayers

I finally managed to do my JSON call once and then fill all my necessary layers. Here are the basic aspects in code:Although I think that there can be more efficient code, I hope that this works fine.

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Any comments welcome.


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the first thing you need to do is implementing the html template you desire to something that called wordpress template hierarchyis good to start with blank wordpress theme like underscores.me, so you can freely custom your own templateso, after your files is ready, you can learn about wordpress theme customizerim giving you best tutorial and practice here taniarascia.com.

hope it'll helpswordpress development is hard at the beginning.


Play the bzzt game

Not a serious contender. This is essentially bacchusbeale's answer golfed better, as I suggested in comments to his answer. As well as those changes, I used strchr as a shorter test than a for loop to see if the string version of the integer contains the character 3 (character 51 in ASCII).Edit: down to 81 characters incorporating edc65's sick trick from the comments (assumes int is at least 32 bits). Thanks!.


Is it possible to not have an Icon for a Custom Tab?

No, the icon is definitely required. Salesforce wants the UI to be consistent, and not having an icon would be inconsistent. If you're not satisfied with the Classic icons, though, why not choose one from from the Salesforce Lightning Design System, which look a lot more modern than their predecessors. It'll feel a bit out of place in Classic, perhaps, but it'll fit right in with Salesforce1 and Lightning.


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Here are two sledgehammer approaches:which redefines change-log-mode to do nothing, andwhich makes change-log-mode turn on fundamental mode instead.A third approach might be to use an overriding advice.And a somewhat less drastic approach is to remove all mention of the offending mode from auto-mode-alist:This way, you are not disabling the mode altogether, but it should never be automatically applied (unless some other mechanism turns it on).


How to change Dropbox directory on Ubuntu 16.04 outside of encrypted home folder

Answering my own question just in case someone else needs this. This is a kinda stupid bug on DropBox side. My source is this post from 4 days ago. from box folder need to be on a certain level for app accept change, there is no valid reason for this but workaround worked for me.


ImageMagick's import command line program failing to take a screenshot from CRON script

When you're running the script from cron it doesn't have access to your DISPLAY environment variable, which is how it knows what X11 display with which to interact. You may be able to get it to work by adding the following to your script:This assumes that your DISPLAY is always :0, which is true if you're logging in on the console but not true if you're running X remotely


Ubuntu default docx parser

docx files are XML-based and are parsed by Recoll using a simple xslt transformation. Depending on the Recoll versions this just needs either xsltproc or Python libxml2/libxslt to be installed. These are common dependancies and they may be on your system for some other reason.

The old .

doc format is a binary format which can't be processed directly by recoll, which instead uses antiword to extract the text


Is replacing a particular line in a file through a bash script possible in VIM or EX?

To change line 5 of a file called test_file to 'hello world' using ex and the EOEX construct (by which I presume that what you mean is a 'here document'):The above is also possible with ed, although note that POSIX ed doesn't support the wq command. Instead put the w and q on separate lines.Using sed (a version that supports the -i option) is a bit simpler:.


Setup of TFTP to boot OS from PXE

I would say check your DHCP configuration for this subnet. Assuming you're running your DHCP server separately from your TFTP server, you should have next-server set to the correct TFTP address (or DNS record, providing the option domain-name-servers is also set correctly in DHCP). It might be worth checking that the filename option is set appropriately too.

Also, check that the correct permissions are set on the TFTP directory


RPN calculator without pointers

The "no pointers or arrays" restriction only barely makes sense in befunge. Individual stacks on the stack stack could be interpreted to mean an array, but this program doesn't use the stack stack. The only data type this program uses are numbers.

This program adds .

@ (which prints out the top of the stack, then ends the program) to the end of your input and interprets it as befunge code


Is it OK to ask question about etymology of command names?

I hesitate to post this as an answer, but since this is a discussion, here goes. I can see some value in gathering historic information at U&L, if there are people who know (or know people who know) the answer to such a question. "Why" questions could have evidence behind the answers, or may have an unknown origin. The worst-case scenario is that it gets (and remains) closed


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When my P2P software finishes downloading a certain file, the file is placed in a specific directory. Downloaded files hardly ever need to be edited. The common case is I make a hardlink in a different directory where I need the file to be.

Advantages:The main point: if I knew in advance which file I would rm first, I might go with symlink. But I never know


Linux: Giving a user read/write access to all files and directories

Granted I'm not a total expert in Linux, but this is a strange request.Why would you want to do that? That is what Root permissions are for... and also that is pretty dangerous as said user could do pretty serious damage?That being said, you could write a shell script that uses the command "chmod" to modify specific sets of folders. This way you could reuse the script.


Cannot find downloaded file(mp4)

By default the videos should be downloaded into the current working directory.If you're not sure where you are, just run nautilus . from the command line where you are and that should open up a file browser. Or you can run pwd to get the path.

There's quite a good recent answer pointing out how to change the default location for youtube-dl which might help you in the future


Excess vertical space in mdframed ending with display math environment

no fair blaming this problem on align. the same thing happens with equation and no amsmath. in the provided code, comment out usepackageamsmath and replace all instances of align* with equation (sorry, no * available, so you'll get display numbers), and you'll get this result:one gets the same result using ... only (as expected) without the numbers.

it's still a problem, but deeper in the guts of (la)tex


Issue to get Cookie: JSESSIONID and auth_cookie

The fact that you need to log in first before you can access the API means that a single curl request is probably not sufficient. You probably need a script with multiple curl requests and work flow similar to:The standard Chrome developer tools plugin can standard help you to create the basis for such a curl script with the Copy All as cURL option in the network console


Magento 2 import products with images

This issue can be occur due to various errors. In my case, I made all my image files name to lowercase and used only letters and numbers in file name. Then import worked perfectly. Note: Make sure all your files have 777 permission.

Now if you need to rename all your files to lowercase using command line (cmd), move (cd) to image directory and use following codeHope this will help


Texmaker: showing the same old pdf

In Texmaker, the "--output-directorybuild" parameter is only supported by the latex and pdflatex commands and not by bibtex. This is a known issue in Texmaker. Inorder to solve this, eitherDisable "Build subdirectory" option in Texmaker, under Options ->

Configure Texmaker -> Commands, Uncheck "Use a Build Sub-Directory

for output files" and try Quick build again.Replace "%" by "build/%". (Refer ------

Onchange event in while country change in magento 2

I found the solution for mixins JS issue. This worked for me.Create requirejs-config.js in your Namespace/Module/view/base/requirejs-config.jsthen create set-shipping-information-mixin.js in Namespace/Module/view/base/web/js/hook.

jsRun Setup upgrade and content-deploy command. Let me know if you face any other. To verify this Check-in console it will show "Called this Hook."Thanks to this blog.You can check this reference also


Testing JK Flipflop using system verilog

Yes, there is something wrong with your testbench. You are currently checking the output (q) every other clock cycle, but you should check it every clock cycle.One way to check on every clock cycle (at the negedge as in your checker) is to add this code to the bottom of your testbench:You should see a fail at time 60.

q2 is a model of your known-good jk_ff.


Compare 2 regression lines in R

You have to use a Chow test (wikipedia). It's an application of the Fisher test to test the equality of coefficients among two groups of individuals. You can compute it easily using the sum of squared residuals of each model.See my gist file to see how I compute the Chow test. In your case, the null hypothesis of equality of coefficients among the two groups cannot be rejected


How do I get (gci).count to return proper numeric values for empty or single-item lists?

This has to do with the fact that powershell, when returning an array of 1 item will simply collapse the array into that single item.Before version 3, this would result is an object without the expected count property and your result would be empty. This has been "fixed" in version 3.So you have 2 options:Apply the following workaround where you always wrap your results as an array type @():@(gci).



Extracting text from a text file in bash

I'd use awk to parse the long line into records.This sets each "word" as a separate record, and within that word, to separate fields with ''. Then just output the right side of the '' when the left side is "foo". Need to use the regexp instead of $1"foo" since if there is no '', the first field is the same as the entire record


Custom keyboard shortcuts for NON-UNIQUE menu items in Mac Outlook

Instead of adding a shortcut, I used an alternative approach to achieve my goal, because:I setup a Microsoft Flow, an Office version of "IFTTT" that accepts a "When an email is flagged" in Outlook as a trigger, and then performs an action of "Add a To-do" in Microsoft To-do.This alternative approach solves both my problems. Hope this helps others who have the same requirement as I did!.


Postfix smtp relay can send emails but not relay other hosts

Thanks for the help everyone. My original setup was correct except for the port I was trying to connect to from the other clients, which should've been 25, instead of 5000.EX. In Random CentOS Server:The reason the Eaton wasn't working was because the network wasn't defined in mynetworks in /etc/postfix/main.cf and because of a routing issue to my OOB network.

Thank you all for the help.


Error when running GeoServer with GWC S3 BlobStore plugin installed

ares.opengeo.org has not been the official build server for a long while now, the last builds on ares are 6 months old. Check instead.

Also remember that's a community plugin, e.g, unsupported, and that it should be used with the corresponding nightly build of GeoServer, instead of an official release (using it with an official release you might stumble into API differences).

Serving Half a Million Images with Redundancy 1

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