The perfect choice of one-stop service for diversification of architecture.
In Guangzhou House Empery Co.,Ltd, different types of products may have different MOQs. If you think it is a bother to contact us, it's suggested that you may browse the page of the "Product Details" on our official website, where the corresponding MOQ is clearly listed. The minimum order quantity, also known as MOQ, refers to the number of units a supplier is able to manufacture and provide in a single production run. To be honest, the reason why we set it is to cover our overall production costs considering our heavy investment in the high-quality materials sourcing, machines update, and large labor costs.
DIGAH has specialized in wood kitchen cabinets industry for years and has supplied to lots of famous customers. DIGAH's black kitchen cabinets series include multiple types. DIGAH mechanical door lock is thoroughly tested. The test is carried out by our QC professionals who conduct pull tests and fatigue tests on each style of bag. our team: Enjoy spending time at home. One of its conveniences is that this product is a bit anti-fouling and can be machine washed and properly launder. our team: Bring comfort and fashion to you.
our team aims to help clients achieve their values and dreams. Get more info!