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The uncoupled translational and rotational acceleration equations of motion$$beginaligned m boldsymbol a &= sum_i boldsymbol F_i mathbf I fracdboldsymbolomegadt &= sum_i boldsymbol tau_i - boldsymbol omegatimes(mathbf I times boldsymbol omega) endaligned$$ is only valid for rotation about the center of mass. If you choose any other point as the point of interest, you will need to use the much more complex Newton-Euler equations of motion. When using these more complicated forms, it does not matter a bit if the point of interest is chosen to be inside or outside the body.
1. Replace starting frames with a one at specified time with FFmpeg
It is as simple* asX is timestamp of the frame you want to clone at start. All frames from 0 to X are replaced with that frame.*applies for output formats like MP4, where ffmpeg assumes constant frame rate. For variable frame rate muxing, like Matroska, use
2. install spring hinges on eyeglasses' frames?
I do not know anyone who would do that for less than the cost of new frames. Take a look at Warby Parker if you want similar frames cheaper. I can not imagine what you would do to those glasses that would damage them that would not damage them with spring hinges.
3. Can I copy still frames from a DVD?
Just play it on your computer, pause it where you want to take the frame, and take a screen shot
4. Moving frames - a blow on "virtual particlesâ?
Your argument against is based on the fact that in one frame there is no magnetic field, but there is a magnetic field in a different frame. So there must be magnetic virtual particles in some frames but not in others. Hence magnetic virtual particles can not exist. However there are not separate magnetic and electric virtual particles. There are just virtual photons that are responsible for both magnetic and electric fields. Your argument simply shows the virtual photons look different when viewed from different inertial frames.
5. Should I change eyeglass frames?
who cares...why do you have to be a jerk while answering everyones questions, that kids you just answered about what he should do, seriously know calling him a duchebag, oh yeah your cool, be nice about it or just dont answer the questions
6. Frames of reference, relativity, and a ball thrown in the air
I think the purpose of that example is to show how observers from different frames of reference can disagree on what they actually observe, or measure. The example you provided can be solved with a simple galilean transformation. This example is crucial because it shows you how different observers can disagree on the same event, which seems pretty intuitive in the normal world. However, as you start to move at relativistic speeds, certain effects such as time dilation and length contraction start to happen and without the earlier example, it can be very confusing as to why 2 different observers might disagree on the same event
7. Need to ID some art/painting and frames?
On inventory Harley's, from 1903 - 1969, an occasion would be 49FL1234 First 2 digits is production twelve months (1949) Letters are variety (FL) final 4 numbers are guy or woman serial huge form. this would not appear like a inventory Harley physique huge form to me. i think of I remember 1970 became while Harley began to mark the physique with a VIN that matched the engine. The extra contemporary 17 digit VIN would examine like this for 1981-2000: a million HD a million AA ok a million a million B Y 013478 From 2001 to recent, it would be like this: a million HD a million DJ V a million 3 a million Y 500001
8. What are gift ideas that start with the letter "F"? The gift's should be under $15.?
Frames for photos Finger puppets for the kids Frisbee (haha)
9. How to Export this animation as a gif file for powerpoint presentation
You can capture the frames as you manually manipulate like this:disable dynamic updating when done, thenwarning this will quickly generate a large number of frames
10. what color of frames for pictures?
If you plan on hanging the pictures up together the frames should be related to each other. I have 6 pictures on one wall with 3 different frames however they are all the same wood, staggered and all the same size which looks very nice. On a wall in my basement I have a collage of pictures with different frames,different colors and it looks okay because the room is a child's playroom. To play it safe use the same color frames