The perfect choice of one-stop service for diversification of architecture.
i want weddings ,but i not money.?
If you do not have money for a wedding. You should not be getting married. Get a job and save up the money until you have enough to move out of your parents house and then consider saving for the wedding
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How should I carry money in Europe?
It takes 10 minutes with a sewing machine and an bit of old bed sheet to make a neck pouch to use under your clothing. I know as I have made several over the years. Or you can buy an 'under the clothes' money belt or neck pouch, even at the airport indeed. In any case, divide the money over several places, do not keep the lot in one place. Take a small (older) purse with a strap that is long enough to go over your left shoulder while you have the purse on your right hip, with the strap going between your backpack and your back. If the leaders of the group do really object, let them carry your money, and be responsible for it. And for the money you do keep in your backpack, keep it somewhere in the main compartment, not in an outer pocket. Muggings are very rare in Europe, but pickpockets are common, alas. So make sure that your passport is in a place where they not (normally) can get at, under your clothes, and that your money can not all be stolen at once.
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Be honest...if you had the money for name brand diapers.?
No because for some reason my daughter is allergic to the name brand stuff.isnt that weird? her half-brothers and sister were too. Shes also allergic to the name brand laundry soap and again the other kids were too. But if she wasnt allergic and i had the money.maybe i actually like the diapers i get her
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Should I get the money for returned
Take the gift back your self and exchange it for something else in the store. They should at least give you store credit if you bring along the receipt. If your mother makes no attempt to give you the money, absolutely do not ask for it because that would be beyond rude. If you have no receipt and no gift receipt I would just let it go. Try and regift this to someone in the future or maybe donate it to charity. In the future, try and train your mother to give gift receipts up front so that this wo not happen to you again. You are probably particular about your gifts. If you know you will most likely be taking them back anyway, why not make it easier for your self?
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Any ways to earn money?
Well, you can not earn money, but you could volunteer at a nursing home, or a hospital. Sometimes it's not about the money, it's about the amazing feeling you get after you volunteer and talk to people who have no one to talk to
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Whats a good way to get money fast?
You could have a garage sale or you could babysit for your neighbors, or you could do yard work for them (raking, gardening, mowing, etc.), you could go through your closet or garage and find stuff you do not want anymore but think might be worth something and sell it on Ebay. You just have to be creative and think of other possibilities, it might not be super fast, but at least its quicker than waiting for the money to come to you.
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What was Hitler's opinion on money?
If the money was the jews then he loved to take it away sooo
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Trade my truck for a paid for car and save money?
Sure.make the trade, as long as you are sure that your name will be off the loan and title of the truck. Once that is done and you get the car, make sure that you start a savings account or other account, where it is difficult to take out the money, or you will just blow it on other stuff
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Are expensive diapers worth the money?
Well, I have tried a number of different diapers and I have found that the Abena Abri form L4 work the best for me. I am a heavy wetter, so no one particular diaper may work in every situation. That particular brand is very thick, it has the absorbent polymer beads in it that you can not tell are even there and are landfill friendly. Putting that particular diaper's absorbency level into perspective it can hold 8 of those bottles of water that you see everyone carrying around, that's a lot! For the record, I do keep light weight diapers on hand in the event I might be attending a social event and I do not want the bulk. There are myriad brands of light weight diapers out there, you will just have to experiment with them to see what works for you there. But as for the super absorbent high end diapers, I can not seem to justify paying two dollars and sometimes even close to four dollars each for a diaper, they simply are not that good. I hope this has been of some help to you and hopefully will help guide you to the diaper that you are looking for. Good luck to you.Are expensive diapers worth the money?