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1. What types of questions or answers should be made community wiki?
Questions for which useful answers will involve lists of items, such as criteria or resources, because wiki mode will then allow these to be compiled into one answer rather than scattered over many.
2. atomic-code-golf tag wiki is misleading
Here is another proposal to rip apart:
3. SP WIKI: How to modify the left menu?
If your site do not have customization layout or component, I guess it is built using Enterprise Wiki site template.The left menu is called Current Navigation. Click the right top gear icon > site settings > Navigation. You should see the Current Navigation section as below:You can change the settings here
4. Adding wikis categories on the fly when creating new Wiki article
If the Allow Fill-in option is set to yes, terms the user types are added to the root of the wiki categories term set.Although this is not ideal, an administrator can then move the terms to a more appropriate location
5. What is Wiki-leaks? I hear alot about it?
Wiki-Leaks is a web site that releases secret or sensitive documents from western governments and western businesses. It's goal is to expose the truth. Funny though, they never seem interested in exposing the truths of other groups.
6. Approving tag wiki edits - reject based on a typo?
Personally, if it's reasonably substantial, I would approve it, then go and edit it myself to fix the typo. If someone has written some good content, it should be used, and they should get credit for it.If, on the other hand, it's just a few words, and one or more are misspelled, well, I would probably reject it; not worth the trouble to go and fix.
7. Initial portion of some tag wiki excerpts is getting cut off
This is by design, the tag wiki excerpt code tries to avoid repetition in the beginning of the excerpt. See this answer by Jeff Atwood for some more details. The regex is supposed to be the following, though I do not know if this is still current:This causes a significant amount of collateral damage, as you have noticed.
8. new user made answer community wiki? [duplicate]
If a question is community wiki, any following posts to that question will be community wiki. Note that the user's post was subject to the First Post review queue, and was deemed No Action Needed. If it were not in the First Post queue (being, if it were not the user's first post), it would (if I am correct here) be added to the Late Answers queue for users under a certain amount of reputation. Thus, even though it's community wiki, the answer is still moderated
9. Is it fair to ask that a question be moved to the community wiki after it is closed?
Generally, things that should be moved to community wiki will have a torrent of comments saying "This should be CW". For questions which are 'subjective and argumentative' there are some of them which might actually be good candidates for community wiki if they were refactored to edit out all the possible flamebait in them. However, the way the community usually manages this is that if a user edits out all the problems, then it may get re-opened, or they can try to reformat it so much as to be unrecognizable and try again. In YOUR case, your question was not closed as "S & A", it was closed as "NPR" because it is in no way programming related. Similar to "How much is on your desk?" or "What is your Programmer Ringtone?" these are questions which you can ask to programmers, but they really do not have to do with programming. Even if your question was initially CW, then it would likely have been closed. EDITSince you asked a question in your title that I did not explicitly answer. YES it is FAIR to ask that they re-open it so you can move it to CW, but generally, the answer will be no, because moderators often-times (not always) would give you a chance or a warning to move it to CW first, before they vote to close. In your case, the CW-ness was not the contested part.