The perfect choice of one-stop service for diversification of architecture.
bring it to a video editing or repair place and they can burn videos onto cds too
1. Are you allowed to video tape an officer when you get pulled over in a automobile?
Let me make a couple observations. First of all, you are more likely videotaping him for his protection. In an overwhelming number of police/public encounters on videotape, where allegations of police misconduct have been alleged, the video tape serves to exonerate the officer. You see if you act like an idiot, and you capture it on video, and then make a complaint, the officer will be very grateful to have to video. Secondly, in some states, while the video portion is perfectly legal, there are issues with recording the audio. It even applies to police dashboard cameras. So, if you are going to do it, make sure you know what you are getting into. Thirdly, if you holding your "I phone" or whatever else you might be using, interferes with what the officer is trying to do, or instructing you to do, you have to put the recording device down. If I tell somebody to put their hands on the hood of my car, that does not mean that you can keep one hand free holding an "I phone." I do not know you, and I am not going to take a chance that you are not dangerous. You also may have serious legal implication if you video tape someone other than the police officer, and then make the video public. Also, be aware, that whipping out a cell phone in the dark can look very muck like whipping out a small pistol. I sure would not want to shoot an innocent person. But if in that split second I think you are going to shoot me, guess which one of us is going home that night. When I was in patrol, I would have loved to have someone video tape some of my arrests. It would have made my testimony in Court that much easier. In Court, the defendant usally comes in dressed in a suit and tie and acts dignified. I would love to have had a video of some them on the street, all drunk or high, screaming and cursing at me and struggling to avoid getting handcuffed.
2. can I report this threat by a neighbor to the police?
Can you prove that he did in fact make a threat? Wittiness, video tape, or audio recording? If not, just drive slower.
3. My wife will not allow me to video tape her in the shower.?
She is your wife and by right should be able to do as she pleases. She does not want to be videotaped, that's her right. You do not have free reign simply because you marry someone. What ever happened to equal rights, compromise, 50/50, PARTNERS??? I feel sad for your wife. Show her a little respect and she might be more willing to try new things with you. Treat her like a possession and she will not feel the love.
4. sexual video tape I found?
trust your gut, your intuition and your heart. if you feel really awkward and think that you can PRETEND you know nothing then do that, but if you feel like you should report the mother, or at least talk to her or the girls do that! so it might be a good idea to help them, they will thank you later
5. Is it legal for A boss to video tape and pass it around and slam you?
Call an attorney, if he had proof that you stole he would have called the police long ago. What he is doing is slander. He has no right to show anyone the tape of you stealing only the police and his supervisors. He should have fired you and had you arrested if you stole anything. If you have proof that he is passing out the video you need to call a lawyer and sue him
6. Why is the L.A. Times supressing a damaging video tape of Barack Obama?
Yes they are and the more they suppress the more it will drive people to McCain. What does Barack HUSSEIN Obama have to hide?