You're on THE call of your career. "It's time to swim with the big fish," you think to yourself. Your boss's boss asks you, "What action figures can wheel ever edge, toga toss north of lass tears numb bears?" You panic and say the first thing you can think of... "Batman!" That would have been right had the question not been, "What actionables can we leverage to get us north of last years numbers?" Smash cut to you laying in the cold gutter, jobless, rambling about what a "numb bear" you've become. This type of misunderstanding is what WILL happen to you if you don't soundproof your conference room. Luckily there are a few things your can do to cut down noise and make understanding all the business jargon a little easier.Quick fixes for cutting out ambient noise:If you have options for what room to use as a dedicated conference room make sure to keep these things in mind:So you've picked the best place possible in your office for your conference room. Chances are it still sounds like a cathedral made of showers. Let's try and take the echo out of there.Fabric wrapped panelMaterials needed:Art print panelYou can use art prints and stretch them around the frame for a custom look. You could even dampen an entire wall using a custom wallpaper mural and multiple large panels. Perhaps a giant picture of a wall or even something interesting!Office buildings usually get by with the minimum a human foot can stand to walk on resulting in thin carpeting on concrete. Getting a large rug placed in the room can help absorb sound and dampen the secret dance competitions you have during your calls. A rug can especially help in an upstairs office.Remember when you were a kid and you'd come home late from a night of throwing rocks at trains. I do. Sneaking out wasn't the hard part. Sneaking back in was the real challenge. I'd close the door with the steady hands of a surgeon but as soon as that door closed it would register as a 6.0 on the Richter scale for my mom. Think of your boss as a mom who has super hearing and the power to ground you from your steady paycheck. Better keep momma happy.Secure shaky itemsDe-squeak chairs and doorsSpinning in your chair is probably the most enjoyment you'll get during a conference call so use WD-40 or some sort of lubricant to keep chairs from squeaking. While you're at it hit the door hinges with a little.Many conference rooms have projectors to showcase the vast PowerPoint skills of the employees within. Even charts named after my two favorite things, pies and bars, can't keep my attention when competing with the mind-numbing buzz of a projector fan. If a tree falls in a soundproof conference room does a terrible mic still sound terrible? The answer is yes. You can soundproof all you want but if you have bad equipment then the sound quality will suffer regardless. The sound quality of a call is largely determined by the hardware being used but many people overlook the software side of things. Using a conference call service like Zip Conferencing can help improve call quality and usually comes with a bunch of helpful features. We can lower the volume of other people on the call without having to disrupt the meeting and even record the call. It's great for when you look at your notes and you realize it's actually a drawing of a robocat.
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