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Why Do Young Women Go for Older Men Twice Their Age?

Maybe if you were more of a man your girl would not have left you for that older guy. Grow up pup

Why Do Young Women Go for Older Men Twice Their Age? 1

1. Have any other young women who are either practicing Christians or Muslims ever felt out of place with freinds?

While I am not a woman or in your age group, I can totally relate to your pain. I've experienced the same thing as a man. I encourage you to stick to your convictions. I do not seem to fit in anywhere either. Even in my current Church. Its like so many Christians do not take their walk seriously.They do not take holiness seriously. It's very sad. I've been to many Churches where the young woman dress more like they are in a bar than a Church service. Is it any wonder our Churches have no power of the holy spirit here in America ?

2. Young women selling coffee while scantly clad: Good buisness or sexplotation?

Hey, sex sells. You see it on all forms of media and advertising. It seems like where moiney is involved, anything is fair game, and nothing is taboo anymore

Why Do Young Women Go for Older Men Twice Their Age? 2

3. How do you get a young women to dress appropriately?

I am sorry for you and your poor family .... not!!, she is an individual and its not illegal(not yet) to be one , I would be more worried if she was one of those "thangs" that walk around with their undies hanging out (thats not fashion ...just gross) then I would be giving her wedgies untill she stopped!, but I think its a little rude of all of you to try and impose your dress rules on her at the age of 25....I know I would be telling you to but out . ..very fast.

4. Do you think Atheism or *Feminism* is causing so many young women to dabble in withcraft?

Nature is abhors a vacuum

5. Young women with breast cancer who are on Arimidex...?

I think most oncologists would agree that the jury is still out on being able to use tamoxifen in young women with Her-2-neu positive, hormone-positive breast cancer. There are theoretical risks about tamoxifen actually increasing the likelihood of disease recurrence or spread, but studies examining this risk are only underway and their results are likely years away. All of the aromatase inhibitors are associated with increased arthralgias and myalgias to some degree. Perhaps your symptoms may be lessened by switching to exemestane (a steroidal AI). Of course, with the zoladex eliminating your ovarian estrogen production, and the AI eliminating your peripheral estrogen production, your relative levels of testosterone actually increase (because the estrogen has decreased). This gives you the double whammy of post-menopausal symptoms with increased virilization, and all that that implies. There are a number of over-the-counter remedies for your symptoms, including black cohosh, phytoestrogens and the like. I would caution you to talk with your oncologist before trying these methods to help with your symptoms. Of course, I think you should talk with your oncologist about the necessity for being on this combination therapy as well...

6. how many young women would consider adoption if they knew that their child might resent them?

It became a deep-seated idea that surrendering my newborn to paps was a "loving" and "selfless" choice. I know he does not "hate" me for it but I am pretty sure he "resents" me. However, I have not told him that I was coerced - which might have him feel a different way - but, does it matter ..? I believe Sunny's observations provides a pretty clear picture on what it "feels" like to be adopted - so I do not think "resentment" is a salient issue here in light of the context you are calling onto it to enlighten pregnant woman since power groups IN adoption carry more weight in decision making. lol. As I stated in another post - what I feel is largely missed is that moral authority is constructed and communicated - our attitudes are organized by reference to which we define, conduct (selfless/loving). Because we are socialized to have the same responses and conceptions - stigmatization of individuals and groups occur - social concepts are defined and psychological citizenship manifests. Some adoptees view their surrender as a loving act. Others have went against the grain and view it otherwise. I think "resentment" and the acts that manifest from it have more chance eradicating the industry if aimed toward power groups (aps, adoption agencies, lawyers, politicians/policy makers). Not the have-nots. Have-nots (in the first place) ARE resented by society for disrupting the 'common good' (like getting pregnant) - where surrendering ones child is the plausible act against resenting forces - it is not until AFTER the act of surrender that the bite is felt by both mother and child. Those who have been 'bitten' can react to challenge power so it affects the rights of have-nots as a common goal towards the common good. Maybe in some cases the "fear of resentment" could influence pregnant women to parent, but I doubt it.

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